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Updated: Mar 6, 2022

Last Spring, during a virtual family reunion, I reconnected with relatives from across the country after nearly one year of the pandemic’s emergence. Discussing our reflections of a tumultuous year, characterized by social isolation, mask-wearing, and excessive hand-washing, one of my relatives shared a meaningful idea she learned from a friend - “COVID-Keep.” “COVID-Keeps,” she described, are the long term lessons the pandemic has taught us that we hope to continue as we adjust to a post pandemic reality. This idea immediately resonated, as it exemplifies the concept of “silver linings” and acknowledges the power we all hold to determine, at least in part, the pandemic’s impact on our individual lives. Below are some of my own COVID-Keeps, those inadvertent blessings that have carried me through the instability of the last two years and enriched my life in so many unexpected ways.

  1. The Beauty of Technology

The ever-increasing prevalence of social media and other virtual platforms has cultivated a “digital society,” one in which everyday operations, such as scheduling appointments, completing homework assignments, and even grocery shopping, are entirely dependent on these mediums. Many debate the extent to which such platforms have benefited our world, and whether its advantages truly outweigh the undeniable division they have sown by enabling the dissemination of misinformation and hateful rhetoric. Social media and technological advances have certainly opened the door to some unprecedented challenges. However, they have also affected our world in a number of notably positive ways, which the pandemic has brought to light.

First and foremost, technology enabled schools across the globe to continue learning virtually, primarily through ZOOM. The mere fact that we were able to continue our studies from the comfort and safety of our own homes, rather than have them be halted, was previously inconceivable. Although these virtual meeting platforms have existed for several years, their necessity throughout the pandemic’s course have encouraged many to recognize the value they hold to not only maintain consistency in the classroom but to connect. Prior to the pandemic, those who could not afford to take days off of work or school missed out on opportunities to celebrate occasions algonside loved ones, or to attend special events that were geographically too distant to make the trip. Now, those who would otherwise be barred from those opportunities have another mode of access at their disposal.

Furthermore, it is precisely these platforms that allowed connections to continue - and strengthen - during a period of isolation and tremendous loneliness. As social beings, the ability to maintain connectedness from afar was a true lifesaver - for some, literally.

2. Mindfulness.

Our world operates in an increasingly fast-paced manner, with constant pressure to achieve more in less time. Perhaps, the immediacy of the internet has bred such an expectation by fostering a widespread environment of impatience and expediency. Whatever the cause, it is no secret that conducting our lives in this manner is not sustainable, nor does it allow for true living. During the first several months of the pandemic, the general bustle of everyday life came to a screeching halt. Like many, when all my plans were initially upended, I felt increasingly disillusioned at the notion of having no control. Yet, overtime, I came to appreciate the value of the uncertain future, which enabled me to relish in the only certainty I had: the present.

Seldom do we find ourselves fully immersed in the moment we are in; more often than not, we remain stuck in the inalterable past or fixated on a future we cannot ultimately ensure. Although the notion that life is fleeting and not entirely guaranteed may be daunting, it should spur us to be more mindful of our surroundings, to enhance our current relationships, and to deepen our appreciation for the gift that is today. As we continue to grapple with uncertainty, both related and unrelated to the coronavirus, it is the slow-paced and unpredictable nature of pandemic-living that I will latch onto as a constant reminder of where I am and what matters most.

3. Gratitude

There are countless blessings in our lives that are so fundamental to our everyday existence that we no longer consider them blessings, but givens. As such, we fail to acknowledge how radically different our lives would be without them, and how much more difficult life’s challenges, including the pandemic, would be to weather. As the coronavirus ravaged communities worldwide, I became increasingly aware of my health, especially as a young, non-immunocompromised individual. Confined to the home, my gratitude for my family and the beautiful city of San Diego also deepened. It was particularly during the winter and summer months, when inhabitants of far less temperate climates struggled to get fresh air, that my awareness of my surroundings, as well as my appreciation for a safe home environment, was heightened. Whether it be as fundamental as our health and support systems, or as seemingly mundane as a blue sky, the pandemic fostered a greater understanding of how vastly blessed we are, and how no such blessing is truly guaranteed.

The coronavirus pandemic will inevitably leave us all irrevocably changed. And while we cannot control that simple fact, we can determine how it will change us. So, what are your COVID-Keeps?

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